02 Jun

In April we had a nice day at Highways Garden Centre and in May we had a fantastic day with Ivan Fisher in his classic coach with a trip around Nowich learning some history and finishing at Wroxham Barns for afternoon tea.

Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in the month at the Mission Room and start at 2.00 p.m.

Our trips this year are as follows: 

5th June - Bury St Edmunds 7th August - Bressingham Steam Museum Gardens with Lunch

4th September - Bure Valley Railway and Mississippi Riverboat

2nd October - Racecourse Carvery 5th December - Cromer Pier Show

To join our Club contact Val Purdy on 01603 897299 as at present we have a waiting list.

For details of trips contact Beryl Richardson on 07794 372453

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