02 Jun

Another season for SFC table tennis at the Centre saw 3 teams in the Norwich and District League and one team in the Dereham League. After gaining silverware in recent seasons, things have not been so rosy this season, as can be seen if you look at the final League results published a few weeks ago. 

But never mind, as all the registered players seem to have enjoyed themselves most of the time, and all have competed to the best of their current ability. Relegation of at least one team is likely, so we should make positive efforts next season commencing in September, to aim high and recover ourselves. I am indebted to our Team Captain, Ben Briggs, who has taken on most of the work associated with running 3 teams with our inclusion in the Norwich League. He will also act as the official Secretary for SFC at League level, as I become less active at the sport that I have now played in this League since my first season in 1960! How time flies! I guess some of us are maturing slightly and will need to look to our younger members to support us in the future successes of our Clubs.

In the Dereham League, Wayne Lubbock looks after things there, and is able to borrow SFC players when the need arises in order to fulfil his fixtures. He also plays in the Norwich League, for a rival Club, Taverham no less. St Faiths Dereham have also struggled to gain a safe position in their League It is worth noting that our players come from far and wide, Cromer, N.Walsham , south of Norwich as well as a few locals, and all of them are glad to be associated with our Centre and are valued members, I am sure.

There are so few venues that we visit for away matches who can offer such welcoming and comfortable facilities, to the credit of our Village, and those who have managed the Centre over the many years that we have played there.

Paul Elsegood